In the
event that the University of Michigan cannot account for the
location of a student, faculty member, staff member or
visitor, the Division of Public Safety and Security (DPSS)
will do its best to ensure that person is found.
Please report it as soon as possible to DPSS at (734) 763-1131.
DPSS will manage on-campus investigations and collaborate with other law enforcement agencies as appropriate.
If foul play or abduction is suspected, immediately dial 911 and please provide the following (if available):
- Suspect profile and description
- Vehicle year, make, model, color and license plate number
- Date and time the suspect was last seen
- Destination
- Motive
Other information to provide about the missing person (if known) includes:
- Name, nickname or aliases
- Race, gender and nationality
- Physical description (height, weight, hair color, eye color, clothing description, scars or other physical characteristics)
- Photographs, if available
- Detailed description of the clothing worn when last seen
- Summary of physical and mental health, including medications or addictions if known
- Whether or not the person has gone missing before
- Time when the missing person was last seen
- Location where the missing person was last seen
- The name and information of whoever last saw the missing person
If someone has concern that a student resident is missing, this concern should be reported to a University Housing staff member.
Housing Security, in collaboration with Residence Education and other Housing partners, will conduct a preliminary investigation in order to verify the situation and will obtain information around circumstances that relate to the student in question.
If preliminary investigations are unsuccessful in locating the student and show cause for concern, Housing Security immediately will engage the U-M Police Department for assistance and formal reporting.
UMPD will make notification to the confidential contact designated by the student (provided by the student on their emergency information cards during student move-in) if the student is deemed missing through investigative efforts. That contact will be made within 24 hours of that determination.
Students, faculty and staff who interacted with the missing person should consider their own emotional well-being and reach out, if needed, to mental health professionals for assistance: